Wednesday, June 6, 2007

more droedels


Anonymous said...

Is this who I think it is?
Keep droedeling!

Finn said...

Hello from Wisconsin, USA...and thanks for stopping by at my blog, Pieces. Always nice to see a new face *VBS*
You have a very interesting blog...LOL, much better than just a pretty one, in my opinion.
I really like your doodlings or and happy. Great flower pictures too.
And yes, I see your black fur baby. Very wise and generous of spirit I'd say. That's what's up with the mouse offerings....she's providing for you, sharing her bounty. I had a big black and white cat named Henry when we lived on the Oregon coast...he's leave a mouse on my doorstep each morning....early. I didn't mind, I appreciated him taking care of me, until the day he brought me a small snake, still alive! I was trapped in the house all day!!
The little pussmans are just much personality and charm. I can see why you'd like making them.
Keep up the great work...come back and visit...I'm a Libra also. Ebony is my new companion since Sept. She's older and needed a quiet home with a's going pretty well, slowly she is transfering trust to me, and relaxing in my care..*VBS* Hugs, Finn